Lucy Hampson

Position: Counsellor
Service Reach: Bayside / south-eastern suburbs
Qualifications: Graduate Diploma in TraumaInformed Psychotherapy, Advanced Certificate in Meditation and Mindfulness, Trauma-Informed Yoga Teacher
Categories: EAP, Telehealth
Location: Bayside

Professional experience

Lucy is a Psychotherapist and Counsellor who takes a compassionate, embodied and somatic approach to healing and trauma integration.

In her current practice, she focuses on the connection between the mind and the body to help clients process traumatic experiences, manage stress, find new pathways forward and improve their overall wellbeing.

Lucy integrates traditional psychotherapeutic techniques with body-centred practices, allowing clients to release emotional and physical tensions. She has experience supporting clients using Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) and mindfulness.

Lucy has worked with adolecents and adults who are living with anxiety, depression, PTSD, and substance-related issues. She has also supported people experiencing grief and loss, anger management issues and chronic pain

What Lucy loves about working in mental health

“It allows me to support profound transformation in people’s lives, helping them overcome challenges and achieve personal growth. It reminds me of the resilience and strength inherent in all humans.”

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