Suchitra Chari
Professional experience.
Suchitra has over 20 years of counselling experience. She uses a range of therapeutic modalities to assist adults experiencing anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress, relationship concerns and work-related issues.
Suchitra brings comprehensive clinical experience through her work in hospitals, women’s health and community mental health agencies. She enjoys assisting young adults, women and older carers, and is particularly skilled in working with adult survivors of abuse, complex trauma, and carers of adult children with mental illness.
Suchitra is trained in EMDR, a specialised therapy for trauma and has completed studies in Family Therapy and Compassion Focussed Therapy. As an accredited mental health clinician, Suchitra has experience within workers compensation and NDIS schemes and can provide training to support workplaces and communities with their mental health awareness and support. Suchitra is also fluent in Hindi and Tamil.
With her considerable experience, Suchitra is one of Access Psych’s Trainers, providing support and assistance tailored to the specific needs of the training participants.
What Suchitra loves about working in mental health.
“Experiencing adversity and suffering is inherent to the human condition and I find it immensely satisfying to enable a client to realise their potential through this compassionate understanding.”
- Certified Yoga and Breathworks Instructor
- Keen gardener