Portrait of relaxed young man with bluetooth headphones in forest

Men’s mental health matters: starting meaningful conversations

If you’re male and buy into the myth that you are immune from the challenges that life will throw at you and that you won’t experience a serious mental health condition in your lifetime, think again! According to the Australian Bureau…
Young gay couple at beach

Myth busting seven common relationship myths

Pop culture has spawned plenty of myths about relationships, whilst romantic comedy movies and even reality TV – shows such as Love Island and The Bachelor – have played their part in shaping the way we think about relationships. Unfortunately,…
Older couple dancing in living room

Six simple ways to build a better relationship with your partner

Mental health and relationships are closely linked. Healthy, happy relationships are good for your mental wellbeing and vice-versa. At the same time, mental health issues can impact your relationship, and unhappy relationships can easily lead…
Woman helping her friend with mental health issues at Christmas by taking her on a walk outside

Don’t leave anyone lonely: make a place for your friends this Christmas

Christmas can be a lonely time. There are thousands of reasons why people experience mental health issues at Christmas, which is why it’s important to keep an eye on friends, family members and even strangers. Doing your part can make a big…
Woman doing yoga to look after her mental health at christmas

Taking care of your mental health this festive season

Christmas is a joyous time of the year, but that doesn’t mean things like stress, depression and anxiety disappear. In fact, they often intensify. No matter how organised you are, the holidays are demanding and mental health at Christmas…
Young down syndrome man sitting on the sofa at home and looking at camera.

Looking after your mental health if you have a disability

December 3 is International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD), an international day of observance organised by the United Nations aimed at increasing public awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with disability. At Access…
Psychologist helping girl with different types of depression in a therapy session

Depression: here’s what it looks like

What is depression? Feeling sad, moody or down is common. But if you feel low or empty for weeks, months or years, you might be depressed. Depression is a serious, but common, mental health issue. One in sixteen people in Australia are affected…
Woman sleeping on bed

Sleep hygiene: how to make the most of your shut-eye

What is sleep hygiene? Sleep hygiene is exactly as it sounds. It’s all about making sure you’re following good sleeping habits. It’s no different to your personal hygiene, or even your diet. How well we sleep can have profound effects…
Many talking to psychologist for anxiety using teleconferencing

Anxiety: what is it and how can you get help

What is anxiety? Feeling stressed or worried is normal - no need to see a psychologist for anxiety just yet. However, if you feel stressed or worried for no reason, if you feel the same when the ‘obvious’ cause has gone, or if your sense…
Two women at a desk creating workplace mental health policy

Workplace policy: walking the walk

Over our lifetimes, we will spend up to 90,000 hours at work and another 11,000 travelling to and from work. That’s a fair chunk of our waking lives. And according to the Black Dog Institute, of the 45% of Australians who will experience a…