Woman holding white ribbon

Domestic violence: how to keep yourself safe

One in six women have experienced violence by an intimate partner and, on average, one woman per week is killed by a current or former partner.[i] Each year, organisations such as White Ribbon choose one day in particular for people to come…
Woman using breathing techniques to control anxious breathing

Anxious breathing: take control of your breathing like an athlete

What is anxiety? Anxiety is a common condition that one quarter of Australians will experience in their lifetime. It’s the body’s natural reaction to a threat, or what it thinks is a threat, and can be triggered by a range of things, from Anxiety…
Teenager on bed experiencing cyberbullying

Social nightmares: online bullying and teenagers

We live in a world where everything we interact with – from news, people, entertainment and much more – is done so with the help of the internet and technology. In fact, Australians spend just over six hours on the internet each and every…
lder woman relaxes on the beach

Building resilience and self-management

Let’s talk about all things resilience and self-management, two terms and concepts that have blown up in recent years. Resilience training and self-management techniques can drastically improve your personal life and work life, so let’s…
Woman talking to another woman in a sunny park outside

The importance of role models

Think back to when you were a child. Who did you want to be? Was it your favourite footy player? A movie star or celebrity? How about one of your parents or your favourite uncle or aunt? Everyone looked up to someone as a child, and even…
Woman eating sugary food on sofa eating disorders concept image

Body beautiful: eating disorders

It’s difficult to know how many people are living with an eating disorder in Australia – some put the figure as high as 16% of the population, whilst others put it at 4%. Even more people experience disordered eating behaviours, such as…
Woman in hoodie sitting on the beach on a winter morning

Suicide: signs to watch out for and questions to ask

It doesn’t matter how old you are, what your background is or what you do for a living, suicide can and does affect all people. In Australia, suicide has been described as a ‘significant health problem’, according to the Australian…
Older man talking to mental health psychologist in brightly lit room

What employers can do to look after employees’ mental health

Over our lifetimes, we will spend up to 90,000 hours at work and another 11,000 travelling to and from work. That’s a fair chunk of our waking lives. There’s no doubt that COVID has disrupted traditional office work patterns and even…
Asian man looking out of a window

Why it’s OK not to be OK

Think back to all the times someone has asked you how you’re feeling. Be honest with yourself. How many times have you told the truth? How many times have you told them you’re not feeling OK? Once? Twice? Never? Don’t worry if you haven’t…
Girl making speech with microphone experiencing social anxiety

Do you suffer from social anxiety, or are you just shy?

If you went out onto the street, stopped the first person you found and asked them what the difference is between social anxiety and shyness, there’s a good chance you’d be there awhile. There’s nothing wrong with that. Most people…