Mihaela Homjak

Position: Counsellor
Service Reach: Northern Suburbs of Sydney
Qualifications: Master of Psychology, Bachelor of Psychology, Diploma of Graphic Design
Categories: Compensation NSW, Compensation VIC, EAP, Private Paying, Telehealth
Location: Brookvale

Professional experience

Mihaela is a Counsellor and Psychotherapist registered with ACA (Level 4) In Australia, who has more than eight years of experience in the mental health field. As a psychotherapist, she has been trained in a variety of approaches (CBT, CBT-E, DBT, Schema), along with two powerful modalities that can create profound changes: Internal Family Systems, an evidence-based psychotherapeutic modality based on unconditional acceptance of all our internal parts, and Systemic Family Constellations, a healing modality that works with transgenerational traumas and patterns.

Mihaela has worked at the Butterfly Foundation, where she supported people living with eating disorders, their carers and loved ones, as well as guided and clinically supervised teams of peer workers in the field. In a South Pacific Private hospital, she worked with process and substance addictions, stress and trauma, codependency, anxiety and depression.

In her work, Mihaela has a special interest in supporting people on their spiritual path and incorporating that into their everyday life, connecting with meaning and purpose in life, patterns that seem to persist and may be passed on from previous generations and the psychological impact on physical symptoms and chronic illnesses.


  • Dance
  • Nature
  • Bushwalking
  • Animals
  • Spiritulity

What Mihaela loves about working in mental health

“I am always honoured to be let into this most sacred, intimate, vulnerable space and witness the profound transformation and healing in the lives of people I work with. Is it inspiring to empower clients to reconnect with their inner system with curiosity, acceptance and compassion, and take that approach into their everyday lives.”

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